
This step facilitates an independent expert assessment of the Scaling Readiness of innovations that reveals bottlenecks to scaling.


Independent experts assess the innovation packages for their innovation readiness and innovation use


Independent expert assessment reveals the key bottleneck(s) to scaling the innovation package

Step 2 Objectives

Step 2 achieves the following 2 objectives:

  • Objective 2.1: To assess and collect evidence of the readiness and use of each innovation in the innovation package for the different intervention locations and identify the innovations with the lowest readiness and use levels.
  • Objective 2.2: To identify the innovations in the innovation package with the lowest innovation readiness and innovation use levels to provide a basis for developing scaling strategies.

Once the innovation packages have been diagnosed and the bottleneck innovations are identified for the different intervention locations, the user proceeds to Step 3.


The implementation of Step 2 is facilitated through a coherent set of 2 activities and 4 sub-activities

  • Objective 2.1: To assess and collect evidence of the readiness and use of each innovation in the innovation package for the different intervention locations and identify the innovations with the lowest readiness and use levels.
    • Activity 2.1: Prepare and administer the Scaling Readiness diagnosis survey.
      • Sub-activity 2.1.1: Develop a list of experts who will score the core and complementary innovations for their readiness and use.
      • Sub-activity 2.1.2: Administer the Scaling Readiness diagnosis survey.
  • Objective 2.2: To identify the innovations in the innovation package with the lowest innovation readiness and innovation use levels to provide a basis for developing scaling strategies.
    • Activity 2.2: Analyze the results and prepare and share the Scaling Readiness diagnosis report.
      • Sub-activity 2.2.1: Analyze the results and develop Scaling Readiness diagnosis report with Scaling Readiness assessment for the different intervention locations.
      • Sub-activity 2.2.2: Share and finalize the Scaling Readiness diagnosis report with the intervention team, the intervention partners, and other relevant intervention stakeholders.”

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