
This step encourages short- and long-loop monitoring, evaluation, and learning to achieve impact at scale.


Ongoing reflection and learning ensure that scaling strategies achieve impact


Navigating scaling strategies and scaling action plans is a prerequisite for having impact

Step 5 Objectives

Step 5 achieves the following 2 objectives:

  • Objective 5.1: To support, monitor, and navigate the effective implementation of the scaling strategies and the scaling action plans in the different intervention locations.
  • Objective 5.2: To monitor changes in the overall Scaling Readiness of the innovation package as a result of the implementation of the scaling strategy and the scaling action plans.

If the project team decides to enter into a next cycle of Scaling Readiness to identify new scaling bottlenecks, the user proceeds to Step 1.


The implementation of Step 5 is facilitated through 2 activities and 3 sub-activities

  • Objective 5.1: To support, monitor and navigate the effective implementation of the scaling strategies and the scaling action plans in the different intervention locations.
    • Activity 5.1: Short-loop monitoring, evaluation, and learning.
      • Sub-activity 5.1.1: Support and monitor the implementation of the scaling action plans by working groups.
  • Objective 5.2: To monitor changes in the overall Scaling Readiness of the innovation package as a result of the implementation of the scaling strategy and the scaling action plans.
    • Activity 5.2: Long-loop monitoring, evaluation, and learning.
      • Sub-activity 5.2.1: Decide on strategic reiteration of Scaling Readiness steps.
      • Sub-activity 5.2.2: Develop and agree upon a plan of work and a budget for the strategic reiteration of Scaling Readiness steps.

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