
This step supports the project team in deciding whether Scaling Readiness is fit-for-purpose


Scaling Readiness requires rigorous implementation, resource allocation, and capacity development

The project manager and team reflect on whether Scaling Readiness fits their purpose and decide whether they are willing and able to invest time and human and financial resources for the rigourous implementation of Scaling Readiness. Once this decision is made, capacity for the implementation of Scaling Readiness needs to be developed.

Rigorous implementation

It is only through rigorous Scaling Readiness implementation that evidence will guide project teams and managers in the development and implementation of impactful scaling strategies. It is therefore important that organizations or projects commit to structured implementation of Scaling Readiness and allocate sufficient time, human, and financial resources to rigorous Scaling Readiness implementation. Non-rigorous implementation of Scaling Readiness is likely to lead to poor scaling results or impacts.

Scaling Readiness monitor

A key investment for appropriate Scaling Readiness implementation is the recruitment of a Scaling Readiness monitor. A Scaling Readiness monitor is 100% committed to supporting the project manager with rigorous Scaling Readiness implementation. This includes data collection and analysis, preparing and documenting team meetings and project workshops, and liaising with the Scaling Readiness development team.

Capacity development

Scaling Readiness advocates a new way of thinking about innovation and the scaling of innovation. In order to get your team organized and to get buy-in of team members and partners for rigorous implementation of Scaling Readiness, capacity development is required. Capacity development includes an introduction to the basic concepts underlying Scaling Readiness and provides the team with an idea of the main Scaling Readiness steps, activities, and timelines.


A flowchart guides managers or project teams to decide whether Scaling Readiness is fit-for-purpose

Step 0 Objectives

Step 0 achieves the following 4 objectives:

  • Objective 0.1: To decide whether Scaling Readiness fits the purpose and whether to commit resources for the rigorous implementation of Scaling Readiness.
  • Objective 0.2: The team has a clear idea about the required time, human, and financial resources needed for the rigorous implementation of Scaling Readiness.
  • Objective 0.3: To get the intervention team organized and to get buy-in of team members and partners for rigorous implementation of Scaling Readiness.
  • Objective 0.4: To develop capacity at organizational or team level on what Scaling Readiness is.

Once the decision has been made that Scaling Readiness can be used for scaling a particular innovation, the user proceeds to Step 1.


The implementation of Step 0 is facilitated through a coherent set of 4 activities and 9 sub-activities

  • Objective 0.1: To decide whether Scaling Readiness fits the purpose (improved scaling performance, portfolio management, or proposal development/evaluation) and commit resources for the rigorous implementing Scaling Readiness.
    • Activity 0.1: Decide on whether Scaling Readiness is Fit-for-Purpose.
      • Sub-activity 0.1.1: Self-administer the Scaling Readiness fit-for-purpose survey.
  • Objective 0.2: The intervention team has a clear idea about the required time, human, and financial resources needed for the rigorous implementation of Scaling Readiness.
    • Activity 0.2: Organize a team meeting to understand and allocate the resources needed for Scaling Readiness.
      • Sub-activity 0.2.1: Review the Scaling Readiness resource requirement grid.
  • Objective 0.3: To get the intervention team organized and to get the buy-in of team members and partners for rigorous implementation of Scaling Readiness.
    • Activity 0.3: Organize a team meeting to agree on the plan of work and the budget for Scaling Readiness.
      • Sub-activity 0.3.1: Finalize the plan of activities and the budget for Scaling Readiness.
  • Objective 0.4: To develop capacity at organizational or intervention team level on what Scaling Readiness is.
    • Activity 0.4: Organize a Scaling Readiness capacity development workshop.
      • Sub-activity 0.4.1: Prepare the Scaling Readiness capacity development workshop.
      • Sub-activity 0.4.2: General introduction to the scaling of innovation.
      • Sub-activity 0.4.3: Present and discuss the intervention.
      • Sub-activity 0.4.4: Understand Scaling Readiness concepts and practices.
      • Sub-activity 0.4.5: Understand Scaling Readiness implementation.
      • Sub-activity 0.4.6: Update the Scaling Readiness plan of work and the budget.

Download the full Step 0 documentation for more detailed activity and sub-activity descriptions.

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